
[BIP Proposal] Buried Deployments

[BIP Proposal] Buried Deployments

Original Postby Jorge Timón

Posted on: November 16, 2016 23:48 UTC

The email conversation discusses various aspects of Bitcoin development.

The first topic is about checkpoints, which are not necessary for consensus and work is being done to remove them completely from Bitcoin Core. The second topic is uncontroversial hard forks, which the writer personally thinks are okay. The third topic is about the maximum depth of a reorg allowed by non-machine consensus. There is discussion about defining a max depth so that all cruft deeper than that can just be discarded on a regular basis. The fourth topic is about activation heights defined by this hard fork if it's not possible to reorg back to them. It is explained that this is a hardfork that will only be visible if/when there's a very deep reorg . Another way to see it as an optimization and simplification. The final topic is about the definition of "BIP", which one person argues is neither a Proposal nor an Improvement, nor Bitcoin. The other person disagrees with this notion and believes that it is certainly an improvement in the sense that it simplifies implementations and optimizes validation.